Home inspections are an INTEGRAL component of the home buying process, and you may be wondering:
WHO conducts them?
WHAT do they entail?
WHEN are they conducted in the home buying process?
WHERE do you start?
WHY are they SO important?
WHO conducts the inspection? Why, licensed home inspectors, of course! You want to choose a company with experience in a multitude of areas, from master electricians to HVAC experts. Check out our blog for profiles of companies we have worked with in the past!!!
Now, WHAT exactly is a home inspection? GREAT question! An inspection is a complete process of checking all the major working components of the home including a lengthy report to clearly let the buyer review the condition of the home and determine if they want to request some repairs.
WHEN does this all take place? Once you have found a home that you adore, and have taken care of preliminary paperwork, a home inspection confirms that the home of your dreams won’t turn into a nightmare! Home inspections are for your safety and peace of mind serving to make the final contract free of any looming home issues!
You may be thinking, “Well, that’s great, but WHERE do I start? WHERE do I go?” Cattar Realty has decades of experience and will be with you EVERY SINGLE step of the way- including the home inspection! BUT, it is highly recommended that you get a home inspection to cover all your bases.
So, WHY get a home inspection? If it isn’t clear by now, home inspections ensure that your newest investment isn’t going to cause you grief down the line. You know EXACTLY what you are getting when you sign the dotted line, and the surprises concerning the condition of the home are kept to a minimum!!