Why Did the Mommy Mooser Make the Marvelous Mouthwatering Desserts? Oh this is a yummy one! It’s a book full of scrumptious recipes.
Why Did the Mommy Mooser Make the Marvelous Mouthwatering Desserts?:
The Making
Jenet teamed up with her niece, Amy’s, 3rd grade class once again; however, she shakes up the theme for Book 2 of the Mousers series. This time, Mooser provides a marvelous recipe book featuring delicious Auntie Antler JoJo Ginger Mooser Cookies. Mooserdoodles, and Reindeer Jiggler. The kids provided the recipes and pictures which Jenet transformed into a Mooser theme. For example: Snickerdoodles became Mooserdoodles, and Jello became Reindeer Jiggler.
For more instructions on how to make such scrumptious recipes and more, order your very own copy today!
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